Data driven test through Ms Excel is not entering the values properly in to the app only 1 is entering

+1 vote

Hi all I'm properly unable to enter the data from excel into the app to check the deposit calculator working or not. There are errors showing up. Can anyone check and let me know.


Oct 28, 2020 in Software Testing by faha
• 380 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

Hi, @Faha,

Chromedriver version should be shown in logs

 Driver info: driver.version: unknown 

Are you setting the correct path to chromedriver.exe? Verify it.

System.setProperty("", "C:/PathToChromeDriver/chromedriver.exe");

Hope this helps!

Check out this manual testing online course to learn more!

answered Oct 28, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,890 points
Yes Gitika the chromedriver was set to chromedriver.exe .


There can be a couple of reasons to check:

  • Check if the locating strategy is correct.
  • Check if the element is present in the current top-level browsing context. (esp. if it is present inside a frame)
  • Sync issue


But on top of it, after updating eclipse cant invoke the selenium projects. Its giving an error to open the folder. Any solution to fix it?

Hey @faha, could you please post the error instead of the screenshot? the screenshot isn't very clear.

Hello @ faha,

What error you are getting?

Please paste your error because it is not visible so that we can help you out!!

@ Sandra,

I was not able to run Testcases through TestNG. I was getting failed 2 tests( Error Java.lang.null pointer exception). So I updated Eclipse and now cant invoke the selenium webdriver folder, unable to see all the projects. Have a look at the errors zoomed

@ Niroj

I was not able to run Testcases through TestNG. I was getting failed 2 tests( Error Java.lang.null pointer exception). So I updated Eclipse and now cant invoke the selenium webdriver folder, unable to see all the projects. Have a look at the errors zoomed

@ Sandra

The  small window says

An error has occured. See error log for more details. Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.Jdt.core.IClasspath Entry.getEntryKind()" because "entry" is null.
@ Niroj.

The  small window says

An error has occured. See error log for more details. Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.Jdt.core.IClasspath Entry.getEntryKind()" because "entry" is null.
Try removing the M2E jars from eclipse and run eclipse.

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