What is the role of the project manager in an Agile project that has a Product Owner and a Scrum master on the team

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In my view, a project manager assigned to an Agile project can fill the role of Scrum Master/Product Owner/Team member according to his/her inclination, experience, background, skills, etc. 

But assigned to a project where these roles have already been filled? I believe the value add is in coordination (eg. virtual teams), internal/external communications, customer relationship (supporting PO), contract management, risk management, quality management...

Comments, please?

Sep 11, 2020 in PMP by Rajiv
• 8,870 points

2 answers to this question.

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I imagine a PM might be particularly useful in coordinating interactions between teams participating in a Scrum of Scrums, particularly if those teams aren't co-located. In SCRUM, you could say that Scrum Master could fix as project manager

Hope this helps!

Check out the PMP Training online to learn more about agile project manager.


answered Sep 11, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
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In SCRUM, you could say that Scrum Master could fix as project manager.

answered Sep 11, 2020 by Eric Simms

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