What are the challenges of a Project Manager in managing projects of an altogether different domain

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Project Management framework cuts across domains. Yet project managers are likely to face challenges when the projects belong to an altogether different industry or domain from the project manager's own technical expertise.

How should the project managers overcome such challenges?

In order to minimize the risk of project success, is it then advisable for the project manager to stick to managing projects in his own domain/industry?
Aug 21, 2020 in PMP by anonymous
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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In my view and from my personal experience, a great project manager has to have experience from multiple domains. 

We can consider the core domain of a project manager to be the human domain, leadership, listening, influencing, team building. 

This becomes more important with faster changes in our environment. 

If a domain sees disruption, it needs leaders with a new mindset, culture, and behavior.

answered Aug 21, 2020 by Thomas

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