What is routing in AngularJS

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What are the things that routing does and for what purpose it is generally used in web site?
Feb 6, 2020 in Angular by kartik
• 37,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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Routing is just another way of fixing some content dynamically as part of your application.It is a key part of all websites and web applications in one way or another. 

It plays a central role in static HTML pages as well as in the most complex React web applications. Routing comes into play whenever you want to use a URL in your application.

Routing is an important part of modern web applications. If want to build a web app that allows users to create custom fundraising pages to raise money for important causes, you’ll need routing for quite a few reasons, including:

  • In general, to allow people to provide external links to your web app
  • Public fundraising pages need to be reliably accessible by everyone, and you need a URL that’ll route them to the right page
  • Different parts of the admin interface require it. Users need to be able to move forward and backward in their browsing history
  • Different parts of your site need their own URL, allowing you to route people to the right section (for example, /settings, /profile, /pricing)
  • Breaking up your code by page helps promote modularity and lets you break up your app.

Routing generally does three things:
1.Get to the location. (hashed URL).

2.Get new content(view/html)

3.inject into current(page's) html/DOM.

However, Routing is most commonly used for single page application that divides application into several logical parts(views) and based on navigation these view or pages will be fetched individually or independently.

[Note] : Whenever i say routing it is not only available in the client side but also available at the server side.

answered Feb 6, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,880 points

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