What is parse in Angularjs

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What is the purpose of $parse in AngularJS? Can someone help me out to Know its generic syntax??

thanxx in Advance!!
Feb 4, 2020 in Angular by kartik
• 37,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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Before we jump into the topic you should also know $eval in alert() and then you can also identify the difference between them.

$parse in a type of  service module available in ng-model of AngularJs.

In order to explain what really $parse is let us consider the following sample JavaScript code:


var f=$parse("a*b");


Here it should be noted that the expression $parse("a*b") doesn't returns the result instead it returns a template function because $parse in not 

working on a scope.But now the returned function can be used for accessing the scope.


var f=$parse("a*b");

  var r=f($scope);


once var r=f($scope); is applied it can be used to stored result in var r.

To Sum up things: we can say that in $parse we can use multiple object to access parse (Here the object is $scope other object can be $rootscope) but this is not in the case of $eval where only the specified scope for a variable can access the function and can work only in the current scope

Hope it helps!!

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Thank you!!

answered Feb 4, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

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