How to access the Angularjs scope of a particular html element from our console

+1 vote
I want to know the scope of each tag in html  explicitly from the console or by inspect the particular element by angular js comand.

Thanxx in advance!!
Jan 21, 2020 in Web Development by kartik
• 37,510 points

1 answer to this question.

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You should follow the below steps:--

1.Compile and run your html file in browser.

2.Then select the "Hello edureka"(want to inspect scope of this element in my case) and right click and select inspect. The console tab is  will be opened.

3.Then go to console and type angular.element($0).scope()  (This command means angular version of the particular element and $0 means the highlighted element for which scope to be inspect) and then hit enter. You have your desire output.

answered Jan 21, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,880 points

edited Jan 21, 2020 by Niroj

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