What is Scope Parameter in AngularJS

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What's the use of Scope Parameter in isolated scope?
Feb 5, 2020 in Angular by kartik
• 37,510 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @kartik,

Scope Parameter is a collection of various symbol that is used to  communicate between isolated scope and its parent scope.

The Various Scope Parameter are- {@,=,&}

1. @

  •        It is used to pass the string value to the directive scope
  •        One way to the directive scope
  •        String could be interpolate string.


  •        It is used to pass an object to the directive scope.
  •       Two way binding between parent and directive scope


  •       It is used to enable function to be access to its directive scope. 
  •      Directive can executed the function passed to it.
There is another way to communicate between isolated scope and its parent scope simply by using $parent but this is not good practice to access data of parent scope.
answered Feb 5, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,880 points

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