In order to know what transclusion is you can refer to this link- Transclusion.
However, to achieve transclusion you can use ng-transclude model in div tag and additional attribute transclude:true in directive.
For Example:
Consider the following code:
controller file
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller='emp'>
This is a message from controller
<div message>
This is inner message
From above it is clear that there is only one controller named emp and directive named message in it.
Now let us define the directive message
message Directive
Note about transclude:true
Here, message directive contain the file named into_html which is having some content in it. Let the file into_html is defined as under:
This is template context
<div ng-transclude></div>
This into.html content is injected to controller file along with message directive( This is know as transclusion). Finally the output file can be consider as follow:
Final controller file
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller='emp'>
This is a message from controller
<div message>
This is template context
<div>This is inner message</div>
The Flow of this senario is shown below: