How can we specify no route path in UI-Router

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I'm having web page that contains all the links, but the problem is if the user attend to follow the unspecified path, How can i redirect to any custom link or display message to users?? Help me out please!!
Feb 11, 2020 in Angular by kartik
• 37,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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hey @kartik,

In order to route to any custom URL or displaying message when user attend to certain unspecified route path,there are generally two ways to define in $stateProvider which is used to configure the UI-router.

The code is as follow:

var app= angular.module([$stateProvider , function($stateProvider){


      .state('root', {

      url: '/',

     template:  '<strong> You are at root....</strong>



     .state('noroute', {

      url: '*path',

     template:  '<strong> No Root Available...</strong>



In order to redirect to existing route when no route found, the above code can be discard and include the $urlRouterProvider as follow:

var app= angular.module([$stateProvider , $urlRouterProvider, function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){


      .state('root', {

      url: '/',

     template:  '<strong> You are at root....</strong>




answered Feb 11, 2020 by anonymous
• 82,840 points

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