Can anyone explain the git workflow

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Feb 4, 2020 in Git & GitHub by anonymous
• 19,610 points

3 answers to this question.

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The basic Git workflow goes something like this:

  1. You modify files in your working tree.

  2. You selectively stage just those changes you want to be part of your next commit, which adds only those changes to the staging area.

  3. You do a commit, which takes the files as they are in the staging area and stores that snapshot permanently to your Git directory.

If a particular version of a file is in the Git directory, it’s considered committed. If it has been modified and was added to the staging area, it is staged. And if it was changed since it was checked out but has not been staged, it is modified.

answered Feb 4, 2020 by Jai
0 votes


The workflow of Git is described below

  1. First you have to initialize the folder for Git repo.

  2. After initializing create one file.

  3. Now you have to add this file in Git staging area. Here staging area works as a pointer which is used to track your folder.

  4. At the end you have to commit your file from staging area. 

Now, if you modified your file in future, then again you have to add at staging area and then commit it.

Thank You

answered Feb 4, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
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The following will help you -Git Workflow

Step 1: Set up a Github Organization

This will be the core code of your project. It is the central working repository on Github that everyone will draw from.

Step 2: Fork Organization Repository to Your Personal GitHub

Next fork the central organization repository to your personal GitHub account. This will be your own copy of the project files.

Step 3: Clone the Repository to Your Local Machine

Next, create a local copy of these files on your personal machine so you can modify/add to them. You do this by navigating to the directory where you wish to store the project and typing the following into the command line (excluding the ‘<’ and ‘>’ symbols):

git clone <url to the project repo on your personal Github profile>

*Be sure the URL ends with Git

This ‘clones’ your GitHub repo to your personal computer. Afterwards, navigate into the cloned directory your just created. Now type:

git branch

You should be on the master branch — your main branch. This should be the branch that always has functional code.

Step 4: Create a Branch for your Working Files

But what if you want to update the project? Where should you make your changes if the master branch can only have clean, functional code? Let’s make a new branch to create new features, test things out and essentially be the working file. You create a new branch (and move into it) by typing:

git checkout -b <branch name>

The -b is important, that is what is creating the new branch. I will be calling this branch that contains our working files ‘feature’ from here on out, but you can call it whatever you like.

Step 5: Set Remote Repository to the GitHub Organization

As you continue to work on your project, you will periodically want to incorporate changes from your other team members. Since your GitHub organization is where your functional code is stored, you will want to pull from there. In order to set up this link between your local directory on your own machine and the GitHub organization repository, you will need to set up a ‘remote’ repository (aka a repo that is remote and not located on your local machine). Do this by typing:

git remote add upstream <url to the organization on GitHub>

*Be sure the url ends with .git

‘Upstream’ is the conventional name chosen for a remote, but it can be anything you like.

GREAT! You have set up all the building blocks you need for an effective Git workflow. Now lets see it in action.

Step 6: Get Coding!

Add those new features, tests, and tweaks (you’re making these changes on the feature branch, right?). Once you get to a place where you feel good about the work you’ve done, let’s incorporate it into the project’s code base.

Before we start this process, be sure to add and commit the files you’ve been working on.

Step 7: Pull the Most Recent Files From the Organization Repo

All the steps from here on out are to ensure a clean incorporation of your code into the project’s code base. The goal is to isolate any potential code conflicts by adding safeguards to ensure the project’s code is not harmed by anyone’s contribution.

You’ve been working in the feature branch, and you’ve added and committed your changes.

As you’ve been working away, it is safe to assume your team members have incorporated their changes into the project code. Before you add your files/changes to the overall project, you want to make sure your changes don’t conflict with anyone else’s code. To do this, you need to pull down the most recent project files to your local machine so you can make the most up to date comparison.

The GitHub organization repo is where the latest, functioning code base is stored, so we should pull from there. We already set up a link to this repo in step 5, so now is our chance to utilize it!

First, move to the master branch by typing:

git checkout master

Our master branch is what holds clean, functional code on our local machine, so this is where we pull the most recent changes to. We’re essentially bringing our master branch up to date with what is in the organization repo. We pull the changes from from the organization into our master branch by typing:

git pull upstream master

We are pulling changes from our upstream’s (which we set up earlier as the organization repo) master branch.

Step 8: Merge the Master Branch Into the Feature Branch

Now that our master branch is up to date, we want to incorporate all those changes into our feature branch. Let’s go back to our feature branch by typing:

git checkout feature

Now we want to merge all of the code in the master branch into our feature branch. Once we do this, our feature branch contains essentially the entire working code base plus our added features. We make this merge by typing:

git merge master

This means merge the master branch into the branch we are currently in (the feature branch).

If there are any conflicts between the code we’ve created in the feature branch and project overall, we will see them now in the feature branch.

That is key.

Any potential code conflicts will be discovered and resolved here on our local machine, in our own working branch, away from the main organization repo. Our code is insulated from harming the overall project and we can fix any problems before they are incorporated into the code base. Yay!

Step 9: Push Your Code to your GitHub Repo

After you’ve merged the master branch into your feature branch (and potentially sorted out any merge conflicts), you’re ready to push your changes up to your GitHub repo. While you’re still in the feature branch, type:

git push origin feature

This means your are pushing your code to the origin repository’s (the repository on your GitHub account, since that is where all your cloned files currently on your local machine originated from) feature branch.

Step 10: Make a Pull Request to the Organization Repo

This is the final step! Now that your changes are in your GitHub repo’s feature branch, make a pull request from that branch to the organization’s repo.

This ‘pull’ is different from the one we made in step 7 to get the most recent code from the organization repo. A ‘pull request’ on GitHub is simply you asking a repository to pull in your changes. Once you make a pull request, your teammates can review the changes you’ve made before they are officially ‘merged’ into the organization repository. Once they are merged in, your other team members will have access to the code you’ve added by pulling it down to their local machines like you did in step 7.Finally Git workflow was completed.



answered Sep 23, 2020 by SRI

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