How to allow the client to switch git branches on a website without technical knowledge for QA

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I need to find a way for our client(s) to switch branches on a project (website) without technical knowledge.
We push our features/fixes to separate branches, but when we need to get the client's approval - we have to merge them to a main development branch & pull to a UAT (test) server. When it's all approved we merge the development branch to the production branch & pull to the production servers.
The problem is when we merge more then one branch, 4 for example, and the client only accepts 2 of them. In that case we have 2 options: 

  1. Fix the other 2 or wait until they are accepted.
  2. Play with git to undo the merge & merge again only the approved branches.

I'm not happy with both of the options.

Is there any simple way to allow the client to just switch the branches on the UAT (test) server so we only merge after approval?

*By "client" I mean - Someone who has no technical knowledge at all, who doesn't know what linux/ssh/git/... is.

Can anyone help me with this ?


Jun 17, 2018 in Git & GitHub by Atul
• 10,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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I think ,except the two options you thought, there is another way:

  • Create a branch temp from development (same usage as development) for client use.
  • Merge the branches you worked into temp.
  • After client approved part of branches, then you can merge these approved branches into development and then merge development into production.
I hope the above information would be helpful for you.
answered Jun 17, 2018 by shubham
• 7,340 points

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