trying to create a service to multiple nodes and getting no such image

+2 votes
How come this has come up as an answer? I don't use docker compose so there is nothing to remove. I still need help.
Feb 2, 2020 in Docker by Karenh
• 200 points

This might be because the manager/master node does not share the local images with other nodes automatically. In order to achieve this, you must use a registry accessible from all the nodes of your cluster. But for this you do not have to use an external common remote repo, you could probably use a private registry image to create a service on the swarm accessible to all the nodes like this :

docker service create --name registry --publish 4000:4000 registry:2

This will ensure that all the nodes will be able to connect to the registry on “localhost:5000” and pull the image they need to run the containers of your service.

Have you tried using the '--with-registry-auth' flag when you create your service?

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