Puppet Kubernetes Can I use already existing kubrernetes YAML files while using the kubernetes module

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I already have YAML files describing my Kubernetes resources, Is there any way that I can reuse it while using puppetlabs/kubernetes module?

Should I re-write all those as per the constraints of the puppetlabs/kubernetes  module? What's the way forward?
Aug 22, 2019 in Puppet by Karan
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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Yes, you could re-use them.

You may already have YAML files describing your Kubernetes resources,In this case the module includes an experimental puppet kubernetes convert command for just this situation.

puppet kubernetes convert examples/guestbook.yaml

The above command will output to stdout the Puppet equivalent to the YAML description of Kubernetes resources, including correctly handling multi-document files like the example guestbook.

puppet kubernetes convert examples/guestbook.yaml > guestbook.pp
puppet apply --test guestbook.pp

If you want to then use that Puppet file the simplest way to do so is to redirect the output to a file and then run it with Puppet as shown above.

Ready to master Kubernetes and take your container orchestration skills to the next level? Join our comprehensive Kubernetes Training today!

answered Aug 22, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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