How do I set an aws aurora serverless cluster

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How do I set an aws aurora serverless cluster? Please help me, its urgent. Any blog or reference video will also do. Thanks
Aug 22, 2019 in AWS by Prakash

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @Prakash, follow these steps:

  1. Click “Create Database” from the main RDS Console screen or from within “Instances” or “Clusters”
  2. Select “Amazon Aurora” and the “MySQL 5.6-compatible” edition (Aurora Serverless only supports this edition) and click “Next”
  3. Select “Serverless” as the DB engine, enter the cluster settings including the identifier, master username and password, then click “Next”
  4. Select your “Capacity settings” and your “Additional scaling configuration” to control auto-pause settings
  5. Configure “Network & Security” by selecting (or creating) a VPC and subnet group as well as choosing (or creating) VPC security groups
  6. Expand “Additional configuration” and confirm your parameter group, backup retention setting and your encryption key and then click “Create database”

answered Aug 22, 2019 by Scarlet
I have created rds aurora mysql serverless cluster with 2 capacity units in AWS custom VPC which having three different subnets. But it always showing average CPU utilization is 10 to 15 %. Even there is no processing. It is always shown CPU usage even RDS cluster is in idle state. How to check? How to fix the issue? Its too urgent.
We are paying even didnt use Aws aurora mysql serverless. So please guide me
yes. i have seen that. But i setup the option to enable paused the instance when more than 5 minutes in idle state. its working like some times its capacity units 0 but still cpu usage range between 10 and 15. Let me check kalgi. Many thanks bro

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