AWS Aurora MySQL Serverless CPU utilisation is above 10 even it is not processing any requests

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AWS Aurora MySQL Serverless CPU utilization is above 10 even though its is not processing any requests.

I have created rds aurora MySQL serverless cluster with 2 capacity units in AWS custom VPC which having three different subnets. But it always showing average CPU utilization is 10 to 15 %. Even there is no processing. It is always shown CPU usage even when RDS cluster is in idle state. How to check? How to fix the issue?
Aug 21, 2019 in AWS by Latchu

2 answers to this question.

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Hey @Latchu, you can try using the Amazon RDS performance insights. It's a service that helps you monitor and tune the performance of the data]base. It's easy to use as its meant for nonexperts. 

Log in to the Amazon RDS Management Console and enable performance insights when creating or modifying an RDS engine. Then go to the performance insights dashboard to start monitoring performance.

answered Aug 22, 2019 by Bob
I have already created rds aurora serverless. i just tried to enable performance insights through modify rds. But there is no option for enable performance insights
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It is serverless so you cannot do anything about it except for the schema, stored procedures, functions, and data. AWS is managing it.

AWS can do all sort of things to it to manage and provision resources to it. Hence, the CPU usage among other things.
answered Aug 22, 2019 by Maris
so i cant enable performance insight when modifying rds aurora serverless cluster. Right?
Performance insight isn't available for serverless.

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