Replicating the AWS Resources from one account to another account

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We have a production AWS account with resources like EC2 instances, S3 buckets, EBS volumes, ELB instances etc. We want to create similar setup in the development AWS account also, for the sake of the developers to access the same. How do we setup something similar across different AWS accounts?
Jul 30, 2019 in AWS by jimmy_longmann
• 930 points

1 answer to this question.

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One way is to look at the AWS resources in the production AWS account and then create something similar in the development AWS account. AWS doesn’t provide a service for the above requirement.

But, AWS provides a feature called CloudFormer wherein an CloudFormation Template can be created from the existing AWS resources the production AWS account. And all the details of the AWS resources in the CloudFormation template. Then the template can be used to create similar AWS resources in the other account.

The catch is that CloudFormer is in Beta as of now and is not recommended for production purpose.

Hope this helps!

Check out the AWS training and learn more about it.

answered Jul 30, 2019 by Praveen
• 700 points

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