How to show flag at the end of the bar chart

+1 vote

How to create a chart like below with flag at the end of each bar representing the country?

Jun 6, 2019 in Tableau by priyanka

1 answer to this question.

+2 votes

Hi priyanka,

Follow the below steps:

1. Create a bar chart with the country and any measure. 

2. Now convert one of the marks to shapes. Drop country in shapes shelf

3. Now create a folder with all country flags and add the folder in my tableau repository.

4. Now go to Shapes shelf and click on more shapes andclick on the reload shapes.

5. You can see a list of flags in a folder.

6. Select each flag for each country and click ok.

7. Now make a dual axis chart to get chart. Edit the sixe of shape and bar.

Hope it helps!

answered Jun 6, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points
Hi there?
Where to cteate this chart with respective country flag? In MS word or Excel? Thank you

@Cherukuri has given a very good explanation with steps on how to create such a chart. She has created it using Tableau. You can maybe create the same in MS Excel but it's better to use Data analytics tools like Power BI and Tableau.

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