Error when trying to start puppet service

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I am using Centos 7 Linux VMs hosted on AWS Cloud,
i have have installed Puppet master and Puppet slave and also i have the puppet configuration file, when i try to start the puppet services on master,
i am getting the below error message, can you help me to resolve this issue. 

[root@puppetmaster ~]# systemctl start puppetserver
Job for puppetserver.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status puppetserver.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

[root@puppetmaster ~]# systemctl status puppetserver.service
? puppetserver.service - puppetserver Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/puppetserver.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Sun 2018-10-14 12:33:03 UTC; 6s ago
Process: 1191 ExecStart=/opt/puppetlabs/server/apps/puppetserver/bin/puppetserver start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: puppetserver.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: Failed to start puppetserver Service.
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: Unit puppetserver.service entered failed state.
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: puppetserver.service failed.
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: puppetserver.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for puppetserver.service
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: Failed to start puppetserver Service.
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: Unit puppetserver.service entered failed state.
Oct 14 12:33:03 puppetmaster.ec2.internal systemd[1]: puppetserver.service failed.
Dec 19, 2018 in Jenkins by Ali
• 11,360 points

2 answers to this question.

0 votes

It looks like puppet is not configured properly. Follow this proper installation guide.

answered Dec 19, 2018 by Alan
0 votes
first where the puppetserver is installed i.e.., VM configurations basically if VM RAM size is above 2gig then it wont popup any error message if the size is below that 2gb then it shows you can modify it by going

$ vi  /etc/default/puppetserver

JAVA-ARGS="-xms2g-xmx2g -XX:maxpermsize:256m"

need to change if your ram size is less than 2gig

JAVA-ARGS="-xms256m-xmx256m -XX:maxpermsize:512m"
answered Mar 28, 2019 by Mallikarjuna
• 140 points
Heyy!! So basically you want me to go to the puppetserver config file and increase the RAM?

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