How to change one character in a string in Python

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What is the fastest and the easiest way in Python to replace a character in a string like:

text = "lmlnopqr";
text[1] = "A";
Dec 4, 2018 in Python by Anirudh
• 2,080 points

edited Dec 6, 2018 by Anirudh 1,139 views

1 answer to this question.

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Python strings are immutable, you change them by making a copy.
The easiest way to do what you want is probably.

text = "Z" + text[1:]

The text[1:] return the string in text from position 1 to the end, positions count from 0 so '1' is the second character.

You can use the same string slicing technique for any part of the string

text = text[:1] + "Z" + text[2:]
answered Dec 4, 2018 by Nymeria
• 3,560 points

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