How to convert a Pandas GroupBy object to DataFrame in Python

0 votes
df1 = pandas.DataFrame( { 
    "Name" : ["Alice", "Bob", "Mallory", "Mallory", "Bob" , "Mallory"] , 
    "City" : ["Seattle", "Seattle", "Portland", "Seattle", "Seattle", "Portland"] } )

Which when printed appears as this:

   City     Name
0   Seattle    Alice
1   Seattle      Bob
2  Portland  Mallory
3   Seattle  Mallory
4   Seattle      Bob
5  Portland  Mallory

Grouping is simple enough:

g1 = df1.groupby( [ "Name", "City"] ).count()

and printing yields a GroupBy object:

                  City  Name
Name    City
Alice   Seattle      1     1
Bob     Seattle      2     2
Mallory Portland     2     2
        Seattle      1     1

But what I want eventually is another DataFrame object that contains all the rows in the GroupBy object. In other words I want to get the following result:

                  City  Name
Name    City
Alice   Seattle      1     1
Bob     Seattle      2     2
Mallory Portland     2     2
Mallory Seattle      1     1

I can't quite see how to accomplish this in the pandas documentation. Any hints would be welcome.

Nov 12, 2018 in Python by Anirudh
• 2,090 points
How to convert a Pandas GroupBy object to data frame is nice post. keep it up sir!

1 answer to this question.

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g1 here is a DataFrame. It has a hierarchical index, though:

In [19]: type(g1)
Out[19]: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

In [20]: g1.index
MultiIndex([('Alice', 'Seattle'), ('Bob', 'Seattle'), ('Mallory', 'Portland'),
       ('Mallory', 'Seattle')], dtype=object)

Perhaps you want something like this?

In [21]: g1.add_suffix('_Count').reset_index()
      Name      City  City_Count  Name_Count
0    Alice   Seattle           1           1
1      Bob   Seattle           2           2
2  Mallory  Portland           2           2
3  Mallory   Seattle           1           1

Or something like:

In [36]: DataFrame({'count' : df1.groupby( [ "Name", "City"] ).size()}).reset_index()
      Name      City  count
0    Alice   Seattle      1
1      Bob   Seattle      2
2  Mallory  Portland      2
3  Mallory   Seattle      1

Hope this helps!!

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answered Nov 12, 2018 by Nymeria
• 3,560 points

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