Wait Delay while web page is fully loaded in Automation Anywhere

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I am looking for a method to add wait or Delay until webpage is fully loaded in automations anywhere, I used

wait for screen change

This just waited till the time i mentioned but I want to add delay until the web page fully loaded.

Can anyone help?
Oct 29, 2018 in RPA by findingbugs
• 3,260 points

iiam srilakshmi

Me too having same problem how can i find solution to wait the process untill the screen is loaded fully

Please can anyone help me

2 answers to this question.

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When you say that you want to wait for the entire elements to be loaded. You actually need to be sure that whether the wait is a good idea or not as there are many website that just load dummy data in the begining. Many website they just load everything at once. These are the few things that you should consider before starting to wait aimlessly. According to me the approach you can take is wait for the element you require and not for the entire website to be loaded.

Eg:- You can wait for a textbox that takes input of your file name etc. You can wait for the DOB section of a login page. You can Wait for a image to load. But these again will require knowledge on HTML.

Hope this helps.

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answered Oct 29, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
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Usually, a website is "loaded" or "ready" before the actual content is loaded. Some websites even have dummy content which is replaced once the actual content is retrieved from 'somewhere'. Hence waiting for the screen to change is not a good idea.

My approach is to pick an element which you know is loaded after the element you want to interact with. For instance, the navigation bar on this website is loaded before the comments are. You can either figure out which element to use by looking at the source of the website by right-clicking anywhere and selecting view source or by simply refreshing the page a couple of times and eye-balling it. The former requires some HTML knowledge but is a better approach in my opinion.

Once you've identified your element, use Object Cloning on said element and use the built-in waitas a delay (usually set to 15 sec, depending on the website/connection). The Action should be some random get property (store whatever you retrieve in some dummy variable as we're not going to use it anyway).

Object Cloning's wait function polls every so many milliseconds and once the element is found it will almost instantaneously go to the next line in the code. This is where you interact with your target element.

This way you know your target element is loaded and the code is very optimized and robust.

On a final note: It's usually a good idea to surround this with some exception handling as automating websites is prone to errors.

answered Dec 28, 2018 by sandeep
• 260 points

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