Power Query is new to me. Based on a search criterion for column 3, and assuming that those columns include only decimal values, I need to replace the value of column 4 with only decimal values in columns 5 and 6. The data file sample is as follows:

I tried to use Number.Mod , Value.Type and Value.Is functions but that did not work. Here is the code for my latest attempt:
= Table.ReplaceValue(#"Changed Type",each [Column4],
each if Text.Contains([Column3],"Instant Payment BSF/MBK") then
if Number.Mod([Column5], 1) = 0 then [Column5]
else if Number.Mod([Column6], 1) = 0 then [Column6]
else [Column4]
else [Column4],Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"Column4"})