How to build a custom column formula in Power query that will retrieve Image and load it to Excel to display that image from the specified column

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Therefore, I'm attempting to create a custom column formula that will load the image from the supplied column URL and return it. But it doesn't seem to be working.

In essence, I want the query to perform just like Excel's "=Image()" function, which pulls images from a URL. I need some assistance with this formula or question.

These are the things I've accomplished thus far.

I have added a custom column formula enter image description here

After Expanded Image, It's showing an error enter image description here

After loading the query It's showing this enter image description here

The actual result that I want enter image description here

Feb 5, 2023 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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Make sure ignore privacy is selected in your power query settings to fix the issue. Change both of the available options (Global and Current Workbook) to be certain. Both of these ought to be set to "Always ignore."

enter image description here

However, this still won't bring in binary image data from a url and I'm not sure there is a way to do so. If you already have the urls of the images, why don't you just paste those directly into Excel?

answered Feb 5, 2023 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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