How can I store the data of an open excel workbook in a collection using BluePrism

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I can open an Excel workbook with just a click of a button in another program. Now that the excel file has been saved, I want to put the workbook's data in a collection instead. The workbook's name is dynamically altered. How can I save the workbook's data in a collection?

I've already tried using the 'Get Worksheet as Collection' Action stage with the Excel VBO Business Object, but nothing happens because I have no idea what to enter for the workbook name.
Nov 24, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,020 points

1 answer to this question.

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To do what you want is like this:
enter image description here

Regardless of the name of the workbook, the MS Excel VBO action "Attach" will attach to any instance of Excel that is currently open. The "handle" data item will be output, which you may utilize with the "Get Worksheet as Collection" action.
In this manner, there is no need to save the file. However, keep in mind that if you are running multiple instances of Excel, this will not work.

answered Nov 24, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,680 points

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