IOS - Old version of app being installed from the app store

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I released an update to my app 2 days ago. Since then I have heard from users that they are getting the old version of the app.

The really odd part is that the user is seeing the new app description and screenshots in the app store.

I have figured out how to reliably reproduce the issue. Is this something that I can fix myself? I've contacted Apple and searched the web but have found nothing so far.

To get the old version:

  1. Go to appstore. Find SocialPar.
  2. Click to install the app.
  3. While it is downloading, go back the iPhone main screen (spingboard). You will see the app installing.
  4. You now have the old version of the app

To get the new version:

  1. Go to appstore. Find SocialPar.
  2. Click to install the app.
  3. Wait in the appstore for the install to complete,
  4. Click open
  5. It will prompt for passwords to itunes account
  6. It will install again
  7. Click open again
  8. You now have the proper version of the app.

I am wasting a lot of money promoting my app right now and its killing me that my marketing efforts are driving people to install an old version of my app.

Can anyone reproduce this with their apps?


Nov 15, 2022 in Mobile Development by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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