Remote control Samsung TV from iOS app

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I wonder what are requirements for developing iOS app that can be used as a remote controller for Samsung TV.

It's obvious that the TV needs to be connected to the network and be equipped in SMART TV feature. I would like to know if it's possible without modifying the TV software/firmware.

I didn't find any information about public APIs or iOS SDK from Samsung that could handle communication. As far as I understand the SDKs available on Samsung developer website are for creating apps that can be installed on the TV. However, I noticed several "remote controller" application on the AppStore, but don't have access to Samsung TV to check if they are working. I guess they have to use some official solutions in order to pass AppStore Review process.

Perhaps if there is no official SDK, some kind of universal protocol of can be used to connect with the TV and remotely change channel or retrieve currently watched channel info.

Looking forward to get some hints from people experienced in that topic, as I never did anything connected with TVs. Also, if you have knowledge about remote controlling other brands TV - please let me know how it looks like.
Nov 10, 2022 in Mobile Development by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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