Release powerapp solution to new environment with devops

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I am interested in any information about or experiences with deploying PowerApps solutions to new environments within the same tenant.

In my solution, I have a canvas app and several flows between the app and SharePoint. I have used connection references to all connections (SharePoint, mail, etc.). On the DevOps side, I have a build pipeline from my development environment, very much in line with Microsoft's recommendations for ALM. In addition, I have a release pipeline to publish the solution in another environment, e.g. a test environment. I can publish the release but when I access the solution in the new environment all flows have been turned off and all connections to SharePoint have been severed. When I inspect the flows it throws an error that it was unable to locate the connection Id. What strikes me as odd here is that the connection references that are visible in the new solution cannot be selected. However, what I can do is to add a new connection (from each flow), whereafter I can turn the flow back on and activate each of them in the canvas app.

What I am asking for here, is any documentation, guide, tutorial, help, etc. to make this release a little more automatic, so I won't have to re-add connections for every single action from each of my flows.

Mar 17, 2022 in Other DevOps Questions by Kichu
• 19,040 points

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