Azure Data Factory Acquire MI token from MI store V1 failed Error code 2403

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I got error below from Azure Data Factory while i try to make changes on Azure Blob Storage:

Get access token from MSI failed for Datafactory. Please verify resource url is valid and retry. Details: Accquire MI token from MI store V1 failed.
Failure type: User configuration issue
Error Code: 2403

My resource url is:$subsId/resourceGroups/$rgname/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/$adfName?api-version=2018-06-01

I am using Web Activity in ADF to access Blob Storage using managed identity which is create during creation of the ADF instance.

When i use SAS token to access to Blob Storage, it works fine.

I check the error code 2403 from web but i couldn't find anything.

Do you have any idea why it fails with Managed Identity as a method of authentication?

Mar 2, 2022 in Azure by Edureka
• 12,690 points

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