nginx clean url with seo friendly file names

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I wish to implement the following which is working perfectly under Apache. This is being done for better SEO of the URLs.

Example URLS:

What I am exactly looking forward to is a location regex to catch all extension-less php scripts in the ROOT FOLDER ONLY for processing by php-fptm.

In all the above URLs "enter", "know_your_gemstone" are all PHP scripts and what follows them are dummy file names generated by PHP for SEO. Actually "indian_astrology_horoscope_chart_prediction.html" file name does not exist. In Apache, I use the following which intercepts "enter / know_your_gemstone" etc and never bothers about the rest of the file name:

DefaultType application/x-httpd-php

In the last of the above URL, "gID-7" is used to pass a variable to the script to show appropriate content. While this URL is showing DYNAMIC content, the URL is so crafted that is looks like a STATIC URL which can be indexed by search engines easily. This variable parsing is done in PHP already and has nothing to do with Nginx. I beleive this part is already referred as pretty url / clean url.

I need to know how best can this be implemented under NGINX? I need the regex to process all scripts (extension less files) in ROOT FOLDER and ignore what follows after such script names. If such a file does not exist, then consider to check the rest of the URL hoping it to be a valid directory followed by a file name. This directory portion is optional and not essential to my present needs.

I have a VPS running ubuntu where I have installed nginx with php-fpm and for normal URL's like index.htm / index.php the setup is working fine. I am not a pro in regex writing hence I am stuck up at this juncture. I searched online under many nginx blogs / forum but could not find the right solution.

I am using the latest development version of Nginx v1.1.17 with php v5.3.6.13. I have also compiled additional modules like more header, cache purge, memcache etc.

Mar 2, 2022 in Digital Marketing by Kichu
• 19,040 points

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