Wordpress Plug-ins How-to add custom SEO friendly URL Handles

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I was wondering if its possible to use the permalink settings in plugins instead of them using default non permalink urls.

For example i'm using the plugin flickr photostream which is downloadable from here http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/flickr-photostream, its written by someone else, but I would like to know for my own plugins and to patch this one to create nicer permalinks instead of http://www.domain.co.uk/?flickrps=2 to go forward and back between pages.

Someone has suggested this url to me, and I have tried to attempt to patch this into the above plugin, but not having any luck to achieve what I am after.

Wordpress Plug-ins: How-to add custom URL Handles

I managed to find this via google, and seemed fairly easy to do, but am not getting the results I was expecting. http://gabrielharper.com/blog/2012/09/wordpress-custom-urls-for-plugins/

Instead of http://www.domain.co.uk/?flickrps=2 I would like the urls to be something similar to http://www.domain.co.uk/page/2.

The links above that I would like to use sadly don't work and give error 404 on them, the links with the question marks in them however do work, but I would prefer not to use these.

I understand this is taken by WordPress but just after something like this, maybe photo would be better perhaps.

add_action('parse_request', 'addFlickrPhotostreamURL');
function addFlickrPhotostreamURL() {
    global $flickrpsp;

    // Manually parse the URL request
    if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
        $urlvars = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

    // Check for querystring variables
    if ((!empty($urlvars[1])) && (!empty($urlvars[2]))) {
        $_REQUEST['page'] = $urlvars[1];
        $_REQUEST['flickrpsp'] = $urlvars[2];

        $flickrpsp = $urlvars[2];

    // ... handle multiple types of URL by checking $urlvars[1] here
Mar 5, 2022 in Digital Marketing by Kichu
• 19,050 points

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