Kubernetes can t start due to too many open files in system

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I have been trying to create pods, services and deployment using Kubernetes, but  errors  is getting popped when I run the kubectl describe command.

for "POD" with RunContainerError: "runContainer: API error (500): Cannot start container bbdb58770a848733bf7130b1b230d809fcec3062b2b16748c5e4a8b12cc0533a: [8] System error: too many open files in system\n"

I have already terminated all pods and try restarting the machine, but issue still persist .I am just wondering how shall find all the open files and close them ?

Can anyone help me with this?

Aug 21, 2018 in Docker by shubham
• 7,340 points

1 answer to this question.

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Run the below command to know about descriptors:

lsof | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

That will give you a sorted list of open FD counts with the pid of the process. Then you can look up each process w/

ps -p <pid>

If the main hogs are docker/kubernetes, then I would recommend following along on the issue that caesarxuchao referenced.

Ready to master the future of kubernetes? Enroll now in our Kubernetes Certification Course! Gain hands-on expertise in container orchestration, scale applications effortlessly, and streamline deployment workflows with Kubernetes.

answered Aug 21, 2018 by Damon Salvatore
• 5,980 points

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