How to open a port for http traffic on ec2 from node app

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I am having an ec2 instance running a node app on port 3000. Now I need to run additional apps on this server, which currently are running on their own servers, also on port 3000. So I need to migrate them all to one server, and presumably run them on different ports.

So if I want to run node apps and have them on 3000, 3010, 3020, etc, how do I do this the right way?

Can anyone help me with this?


Jul 17, 2018 in DevOps on Cloud by Damon Salvatore
• 5,980 points

recategorized Nov 12, 2018 by Priyaj 4,181 views

1 answer to this question.

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Here are the steps that you can follow. You need to authorize inbound traffic to your ec2 instance via AWS Console, or API.Below is the link which you can check:

Since authorizing is normally a one off, probably better to do it through the AWS Console, however, if one of your requirements is to spin up node apps in different ports in an automated fashion, then you'll probably want to look at this:

I hope the above information will resolve your query.

answered Jul 17, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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