instead of: return traitcalc($v); use this: ...READ MORE
Hello. These are configurable variables in php.ini: ; with ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, This is fairly simple: if (!$data = ...READ MORE
Hello, It's the "null coalescing operator", added in ...READ MORE
Hello, on php7 run for example: > sudo apt-get ...READ MORE
PHP is compiled to byte code before ...READ MORE
Hello, I checked php -i | grep pdo and noticed ...READ MORE
Hello, HTML Encoding htmlspecialchars will convert any "HTML special characters" ...READ MORE
Hello, Considering that you have $replaced = array('1' => ...READ MORE
Hii, Here is an approach I have used, it's ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, You can also do this via ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik 1.) Download PHPMailer, open the zip file ...READ MORE
Hello, Just use php composer.phar require For example : php ...READ MORE
Hello kartik, Use session_id(), it returns an empty string ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, The best way for getting input string is: $value ...READ MORE
Hii @kartik, If you want the biggest image ...READ MORE
Hii @kartik, The $_REQUEST variable is used to read the ...READ MORE
Hello, To upload a file by using PHP, ...READ MORE
Hello, niroj. Here is my idea session_start(); $_SESSION['USERNAME'] ...READ MORE
Hello, mysqli_pconnect() function is used for making a persistence ...READ MORE
Hello kartik, Actually there are many functions that ...READ MORE
Hey @kartik, You have to provide MySQL hostname, ...READ MORE
Hey, The way by which PHP can assign ...READ MORE
Hello, When the variable is passed as value ...READ MORE
Aws lightsail wordpress increase upload size limit ...READ MORE
Hello kartik, MySQL is the most popular database ...READ MORE
Hey, You can follow the steps below in ...READ MORE
Hey kartik, A variable declared outside a function has a ...READ MORE
Hey @kartik, It's quite simple to have php ...READ MORE
Hii @kartik, JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, ...READ MORE
hey, The code below shows a simple way ...READ MORE
A cookie is often used to identify ...READ MORE
Hey, In the HTML form, we add ...READ MORE
Hey @kartik, The first thing we will do ...READ MORE
Hii @kartik, If you want to know php ...READ MORE
Hii, The $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] variable can be used by ...READ MORE
HI.. SQL is Structured Query Language, which is ...READ MORE
Hello @kartik, When you have many HTML inputs ...READ MORE
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