Unable to save state open terraform tfstate permission denied

0 votes

I am creating AWS EC2 instances using Terraform.

$ terraform apply

I got the following output after executing the above command.

aws_instance.example: Creating...
  ami:                         "" => "ami-2d39803a"
  associate_public_ip_address: "" => "<computed>"
  availability_zone:           "" => "<computed>"
  ebs_block_device.#:          "" => "<computed>"
  ephemeral_block_device.#:    "" => "<computed>"
  instance_state:              "" => "<computed>"
  instance_type:               "" => "t2.micro"
  key_name:                    "" => "<computed>"
  network_interface_id:        "" => "<computed>"
  placement_group:             "" => "<computed>"
  private_dns:                 "" => "<computed>"
  private_ip:                  "" => "<computed>"
  public_dns:                  "" => "<computed>"
  public_ip:                   "" => "<computed>"
  root_block_device.#:         "" => "<computed>"
  security_groups.#:           "" => "<computed>"
  source_dest_check:           "" => "true"
  subnet_id:                   "" => "<computed>"
  tenancy:                     "" => "<computed>"
  vpc_security_group_ids.#:    "" => "<computed>"
aws_instance.example: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
aws_instance.example: Still creating... (20s elapsed)
aws_instance.example: Still creating... (30s elapsed)
aws_instance.example: Creation complete
Failed to save state: open terraform.tfstate: permission denied

Since, the EC2 instance is getting created but how do I save the state of my infrastructure as is showing permission denied in the last line.

Jul 13, 2018 in DevOps on Cloud by shubham
• 7,340 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes
Check the access permission of the directory in which you have placed your terraform files.

Just give it the appropriate permissions which are required and you are ready to go.

I hope it would resolve your query.
answered Jul 13, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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