One of the major pushes at SAS ...READ MORE
Hi@shresht, This is just a warning. Did you ...READ MORE
Hey, list is the command that is used ...READ MORE
Hi, Check your and path in hdfs-site.xml. Or ...READ MORE
Hi, You can simply run the following commands ...READ MORE
1.One of the simplest example of Iterative ...READ MORE
Please make sure you connect to spark2-shell ...READ MORE
Not sure about the command but you ...READ MORE
See I don't know the answer to ...READ MORE
As the error states, the target directory ...READ MORE
Try this: stop all the daemons: ./ format the namenode: cd ...READ MORE
You need to delete the contents of the ...READ MORE
Hi, The number of map tasks for a ...READ MORE
To enable TLS/SSL on hive, you have ...READ MORE
The binary representation of a Text object ...READ MORE
You can add this below property in oozie-site.xml: <property> <name>oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.jobTracker.whitelist</name> <value>myaddress:8020</value> </property> Hope ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, As we know HDFS works in a ...READ MORE
In order to get access to the File ...READ MORE
The hiverc file is not created by default. ...READ MORE
U can use " import-all-tables " option ...READ MORE
Here, we have two tables: Tab1 having columns ...READ MORE
Hey. You can use the following commands ...READ MORE
We have to cache the values from ...READ MORE
Hi everyone, I am facing one issue ...READ MORE
JDBC client requires a connection URL as ...READ MORE
Impala provides faster response as it uses MPP(massively ...READ MORE
Varchar datatype is also saved internally as ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can list down all the files ...READ MORE
Try this: Configuration conf = new Configuration(); ...READ MORE
You can use the SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION for this. Suppose ...READ MORE
Please use the sqoop list database syntax ...READ MORE
Hadoop put & appendToFile only reads standard ...READ MORE
Try these steps (make necessary changes): First upload ...READ MORE
In the command, try mentioning the driver ...READ MORE
Go through this blog: I went through this ...READ MORE
MapReduce in Hadoop maintains some built-in counters ...READ MORE
Hey, You can get first name, middle name, ...READ MORE
Apache Kafka is one of the components ...READ MORE
You can use dfsadmin which runs a ...READ MORE
In order to forcefully let the namenode ...READ MORE
Basically distributed cache allows you to cache ...READ MORE
Eclipse is already installed in the Edureka ...READ MORE
The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop reads data ...READ MORE
Maybe because you have not started hadoop ...READ MORE
Hey, @Amey, This is probably because of a ...READ MORE
To connect to HiveServer2 in HTTPS mode ...READ MORE
Hi, You can run Hadoop in Docker container. Follow ...READ MORE
Hi@B, There may be several reasons behind this. ...READ MORE
Check your /etc/hosts file, the format should be like ...READ MORE
Write Ahead Log (WAL) is a file ...READ MORE
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