Hey, You can use this command to get ...READ MORE
Hi, Oozie prepares a Hadoop configuration file which ...READ MORE
Hey, The kill node allows a workflow job to kill ...READ MORE
Hi, A workflow application consists of the workflow ...READ MORE
Hi, Oozie workflows can be parameterized. The parameters ...READ MORE
Hey, Basically, when we want to run multiple jobs ...READ MORE
Hey, A topology runs in a distributed manner, ...READ MORE
Hi, Apache Oozie is used by Hadoop system ...READ MORE
Hey, The start node is the entry point for a ...READ MORE
Hello, Control flow nodes define the beginning and ...READ MORE
Hey, For a key and value class, there ...READ MORE
Hey, To get ensure that your Oozie has ...READ MORE
This is the command you can use: $ ...READ MORE
Hey, The following two properties are required in ...READ MORE
Hey, Hadoop will make 5 splits 1 split for ...READ MORE
Hey, To support editing and updating files WebDAV ...READ MORE
Hi, Conf.setMapperclass sets the mapper class and all ...READ MORE
Hi, The user of the MapReduce framework needs ...READ MORE
Hello, To store binary key/value pairs, sequence file ...READ MORE
FileSystem needs only one configuration key to successfully ...READ MORE
I understood your issue and as far ...READ MORE
There are two ways to do this: select ...READ MORE
You don't need another method, you can ...READ MORE
You can add the months using the add_months method ...READ MORE
You can get the current time using ...READ MORE
Suppose you have fetched two values X ...READ MORE
Yes, you can concatenate two strings using ...READ MORE
Refer below Syntax: jdbc:teradata://<HOST>/DBS_PORT=1025/DA ...READ MORE
The format of the connection string is: jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:<PORT>/<DATABASE_NAME> You ...READ MORE
The format for the connection string and ...READ MORE
The format for connection string for Oracle ...READ MORE
All you have to do to install ...READ MORE
To use Microsoft SQL Server for Sqoop, ...READ MORE
You can run Oozie against the federated ...READ MORE
You can configure Oozie to handle Uber ...READ MORE
You have to mention the following properties ...READ MORE
Spark and Hadoop both are the open-source ...READ MORE
I understood the issue. I have faced ...READ MORE
To configure Oozie to use MySQL, open ...READ MORE
Add the following properties in the oozie-site.xml file, it ...READ MORE
To configure Oozie to use PostgreSQL, add ...READ MORE
To remove the attribute from a column, ...READ MORE
To enable hedged reads, open the hbase-site.xml file and ...READ MORE
I think you have upgraded CDH. This ...READ MORE
This error usually occurs when the HiveServer2 ...READ MORE
The default execution engine for Hive is mr. To ...READ MORE
To connect to HiveServer2 in HTTPS mode ...READ MORE
The connection URL format to connect to ...READ MORE
The connection URL to connect to HiveServer2 ...READ MORE
For a remote server, the URL format ...READ MORE
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