Error in process execution from Nolio

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I'm new to nolio, and i've configured my first process. After publishing it successfully i tried running the process but it failed. The following error appeared:

"Parameter value check failed: Parameter [tar.gz] with scope [RELEASE] is missing parameter value. Process run will be stopped."

What does this error mean? what should i check?

Jul 9, 2018 in DevOps Tools by shubham
• 7,340 points

1 answer to this question.

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Here is an approach which you can follow.

The Parameter tar.gz is probably defined with a Release scope (Other options are internal, user-input and environment). This means that if it is not set with a default value, it will only get its value in the context of a Deployment. If you try to run the process directly, not in the context of a deployment it would have no value and could lead for the process getting stuck or failing.

In general the process is the logic and the deployment gives it context. A deployment is a series of steps (processes) with specific values that are set to their release parameters.

If you want to use this parameter in a process that is not executed within a deployment, define it is as internal or as user-input if you want to set it manually during execution.

I hope the above information will be helpful for you.

answered Jul 9, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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