Parse and restructure key value pair of JSON Object to Python Object

0 votes

Hi ,

I am trying to parse below JSON object output from a web server. This JSON object has just one entry but actual object has many entries. The problem is the way array is structured especially the desired key:value pair that I am looking at, are not in an appropriate format, as explained below:


Code Snippet from below JSON object:

"@columnnumber": "0",
"@name": "RequestNum",
"text": {
"0": "AG00106"


"@name": "RequestNum"  the column name i.e. key is "RequestNum"

"0": "AG00106" the column value i.e. value is "AG00106"

Is there a way I could transpose or change the out put so I could see something as following:

Desired Result in Python Object: { "RequestNum":"AG00106", "$1":"Alan Gosnell",.....}

Total number of columns are 28. Indexing starts with "0" 

JSON Object Code Snippet 

"@timestamp": "20200930T170223,92Z",
"@toplevelentries": "162",
"viewentry": [
"@position": "1",
"@unid": "B9AA53A48E4EFB208525858500684EA4",
"@noteid": "47C6",
"@siblings": "162",
"entrydata": [
"@columnnumber": "0",
"@name": "RequestNum",
"text": {
"0": "AG00106"
"@columnnumber": "1",
"@name": "$1",
"text": {
"0": "Alan Gosnell"
"@columnnumber": "2",
"@name": "Submitted",
"datetime": {
"0": "20200101T000000,00-05"
"@columnnumber": "3",
"@name": "Status",
"text": {
"0": "Open"
"@columnnumber": "4",
"@name": "$3",
"datetime": {
"0": "20200101T000000,00-05"
"@columnnumber": "5",
"@name": "$5",
"text": {
"0": "Alan Gosnell"
"@columnnumber": "6",
"@name": "BusArea",
"text": {
"0": "Logistics"
"@columnnumber": "7",
"@name": "$2",
"text": {
"0": "Brian Ramstetter"
"@columnnumber": "8",
"@name": "AreaOfImprovement",
"text": {
"0": "Productivity"
"@columnnumber": "9",
"@name": "Subject",
"text": {
"0": "SXe PORM OERM - multiple - needs a wholistic evaluation"
"@columnnumber": "10",
"@name": "Detail",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "11",
"@name": "Savings",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "12",
"@name": "BusPriority",
"text": {
"0": "Medium"
"@columnnumber": "13",
"@name": "ROIType",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "14",
"@name": "Action",
"text": {
"0": "System Application"
"@columnnumber": "15",
"@name": "ApplicationImpacted",
"text": {
"0": "Warehouse Link"
"@columnnumber": "16",
"@name": "Comments",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "17",
"@name": "ApplicationAssignComments",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "18",
"@name": "AppCompleteAction",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "19",
"@name": "AppCompleteComments",
"text": {
"0": "7"
"@columnnumber": "20",
"@name": "TrainingAssignComments",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "21",
"@name": "TrainingCompleteComments",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "22",
"@name": "TSCCompleteComments",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "23",
"@name": "ReturnReason",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "24",
"@name": "ReviewDate",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "25",
"@name": "InProcessDate",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "26",
"@name": "CompletedDate",
"text": {
"0": ""
"@columnnumber": "27",
"@name": "ClosedDate",
"text": {
"0": ""
Oct 1, 2020 in Python by Khushboo
• 120 points

edited Oct 1, 2020 by Gitika 2,185 views

Hey, @Khushboom,

Are you facing any error while executing your code?

1 answer to this question.

0 votes


Can you link to a correctly formatted JSON file? I was going to check it in a viewer and read it with pandas but the snippet is incomplete.

answered Oct 1, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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