Convert string list of dict from csv into JSON object in python

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I have a csv where for one column values are in list of dict like below

[{'10': 'i ve been with what is now comcast since 2001 the company has really grown and improved and delivers a great service along with great customer service ', 'aspects':['service']}, 
{'20': 'good service but lack of options to allow it be more affordable allowing individual channel choices would be great ', 'aspects':['lack', 'service']}, 
{'30': 'it a good service but very expensive', 'aspects':['service']}, {'40': 'good service', 'aspects':['service']}, 
{'50': 'good service but over priced ', 'aspects':['service']}] 

Now because when I am reading this from CSV its a string I am not able to convert it to original type of list of dict and then json .

How I can actually achieve this .

Solution :

  data = output[output.aspects == aspect]['column1'].tolist()

  return json.dumps(listData)

Sep 24, 2018 in Python by bug_seeker
• 15,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can use the ast module


import ast
s = """[{'10': 'i ve been with what is now comcast since 2001 the company has really grown and improved and delivers a great service along with great customer service ', 'aspects':['service']}, 
{'20': 'good service but lack of options to allow it be more affordable allowing individual channel choices would be great ', 'aspects':['lack', 'service']}, 
{'30': 'it a good service but very expensive', 'aspects':['service']}, {'40': 'good service', 'aspects':['service']}, 
{'50': 'good service but over priced ', 'aspects':['service']}]"""



[{'10': 'i ve been with what is now comcast since 2001 the company has really grown and improved and delivers a great service along with great customer service ', 'aspects': ['service']}, {'aspects': ['lack', 'service'], '20': 'good service but lack of options to allow it be more affordable allowing individual channel choices would be great '}, {'30': 'it a good service but very expensive', 'aspects': ['service']}, {'aspects': ['service'], '40': 'good service'}, {'aspects': ['service'], '50': 'good service but over priced '}]
answered Sep 24, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,100 points

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