How to find the value of a row in a csv file in python and print column and row of that value

0 votes
I have this csv file,

when i do a math like 61%60 = 1

Then i find that number 1 in cvs like this:

0  One  Two

a    1        3

b    2        4

and print out name of column and row of it like [A-One]

Please help me.

Thank all. Wish you a best.
Oct 15, 2020 in Python by Khanhh
• 150 points

1 answer to this question.

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Best answer

Hello @Khanhh ,
Use panda to find the value of a row in a csv file in python and print column and row of that value.
Use a for loop with two variables and iterrows one variable will give you the row number and loop through each column.

answered Oct 15, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

selected Oct 15, 2020 by Khanhh
Thank you.

I understand but i mean how can i code it

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