How can you define a combination leadership in project management

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Set up a leadership role for the project that was formed from the start of the project investment. However, as the project began to deploy, leadership roles were not up to date so the appointment with the project director would depend upon the president of the project.

 What do you think if the new chairman in the project is also currently investing in another project with the same products that these two projects belong to two different organizations?

Aug 26, 2020 in PMP by Rajiv
• 8,870 points

1 answer to this question.

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If you have a project manager assigned then she/he will direct or manage the project. The first thing she/he must do is to manage the project following some project management guidelines (PMI, IPMA, GPM, or a method like PRINCE2, others). That is the first focus that is mostly forgotten. 

Inside that, the project manager must use tools and techniques to work with stakeholders. Another thing mostly is forgotten mainly because when people perform project stakeholder analysis and define the strategy mostly forgot that an elicitation activity must be done to get data about stakeholders perception about impact/interest or any other thing you use in the stakeholder analysis matrix. 

When all of these are in place then you can consider leadership as a variable that helps but is not definitive.

Hope this helps!

You can check out our PRINCE2 Course online today to learn more about leadership in project management.


answered Aug 26, 2020 by Sunandan Thakur

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