Adding public contact from request to aws

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I'd like to add a public contact from request on a static website hosted on AWS s3 wiht cloudfront. This is what I found after researching a bit but I want to know which is the best.

1/ Front-end JS send a message to an SNS topic and subscribe my email to it (but it means that I need to share an AccessKey in public)

2/ Front-end JS send a message to SNS, trigger a Lambda function which process and send email via SES.

3/ Front-end JS send a POST request to a public API Gateway, trigger a Lambda function which process and send email via SES

If someone has some other solution please share.

Jun 28, 2018 in DevOps on Cloud by Atul
• 10,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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Third one seems to be the best and easiest to implement. And also you do not require to keep your access keys in client side in this case.

answered Jun 28, 2018 by DareDev
• 6,890 points

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