Need to call multiple scripts one by one in sequential manner from one script and need to pass command line argument to those multiple script from the common script

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Need to call multiple scripts  one by one in sequential manner from one script and need to pass command line argument to those multiple script from the common script through them it is called.

Aug 8, 2020 in Python by bhawna
• 120 points

recategorized Aug 10, 2020 by Niroj 4,174 views

1 answer to this question.

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Hello @bhawna,

You can encapsulate all the logic for each script in a function, make a new file which imports all the 3 functions, and then run that script.

So if the scripts are

def f1():

def f2():

def f3():

Then the final script() which you will run is :

import sys

from edureka1 import f1
from edureka2 import f2
from edureka3 import f3
print 'Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.'
print 'Argument List:', str(sys.argv)

from edureka1 import f1
from edureka2 import f2
from edureka3 import f3


Now run above script as follows −

$ python arg1 arg2 arg3...............

Hope it helps!!

Thank You!!

answered Aug 10, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

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