Getting incorrect tooltip while toggling through quick filter

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What I did?

I created a calculated value in order to find out the grade for business, and this is colourmap (in tab Grade per Location)

enter image description here

And when I hover over datapoints on map (tab Map), it displays correct Grade, i.e. D for Shish Boom Bah Car Wash

enter image description here

But as soon as I select any location from a drop-down, all grades are A

enter image description here

Following are the calculated field:


{ EXCLUDE [Location (Loc)] : AVG([Rating]) }



And here are the conditions for receiving an A:

IF [Avg_Rating]  > ATTR([Tot_Avg]) - (.10 * ATTR([Tot_Avg]))

Can someone help?

Jun 27, 2018 in Tableau by Atul
• 10,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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I think what you want to ask is your confusion is in what that EXCLUDE is doing. 

It is NOT ignoring filters. It's just saying not to group by Location when aggregating AVG([Rating]). When you filter out all but one location, AVG([Rating]) and { EXCLUDE [Location (Loc)] : AVG([Rating]) } become equivalent, because with either calculation, you're averaging for all points in your filtered partition.

As a result, your condition for receiving an A will always be true if there's only one location. (Check the math: X > X - .1X → X > .9X)

Here's a different way to get what you're after. Make a calculated field (I'll call it Location Filter):

LOOKUP(ATTR([Location (Loc)]),0)

Then trash your Location filter and replace it with that field. We're doing something sneaky here - we're making the exact same filter as we had before, but we're disguising it as a table calculation (by using LOOKUP()). Tableau doesn't execute table calculations until after it's created the filtered partition, so we've tricked it into letting us use every location while still just examining one.

answered Jun 27, 2018 by ffdfd
• 5,550 points

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