Escape Characters in Java

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Can someone give me the complete list of escape characters available in Java?

Jun 20, 2018 in Java by misc.edu04
• 1,450 points

2 answers to this question.

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Below is the list of all the escape characters in Java:

\b --> Insert a backspace in the text at this point.

\f --> Insert a form feed in the text at this point.

\n --> Insert a newline in the text at this point.

\r --> Insert a carriage return in the text at this point.

\t --> Insert a tab in the text at this point.

\' --> Insert a single quote character in the text at this point.

\" --> Insert a double quote character in the text at this point.

\\ --> Insert a backslash character in the text at this point.

answered Jun 20, 2018 by code.reaper12
• 3,500 points
0 votes

These are escape characters which are used to manipulate string.

\t  Insert a tab in the text at this point
\b  Insert a backspace in the text at this point
\n  Insert a newline in the text at this point
\r  Insert a carriage return in the text at this point
\f  Insert a form feed in the text at this point
\'  Insert a single quote character in the text at this point
\"  Insert a double quote character in the text at this point
\\  Insert a backslash character in the text at this point
answered Oct 15, 2018 by Daisy
• 8,140 points

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