last 10 days data based on Date time

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i have Date & time dimensions

i need to display filter slicer showing Last 10 days data  -- then data showing only last 10 days data.


last 10 days

data like

Region, Date, country, state

Jun 4, 2020 in Power BI by vnk
• 390 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

Hi, @Vnk,

Regarding your query, you have to follow few steps given below:

  • You can use the relative date slicer just like any other slicer. Create a slicer visual for your report and then select a date value for the Field value. In the following image, we selected the OrderDate field.
  • Select the slicer on your canvas and then the carat in the upper-right corner of the slicer visual. If the visual has date data, the menu displays the option for Relative.
  • For the relative date slicer, select Relative.
  • You can then select the settings.
  • For the first set in the relative date slicer, you will have to choose:  Last 
  • The second (middle) setting in the relative date slicer lets you enter a number to define the relative date range that is: 10
  • The third setting lets you pick the date measurement. You will have to choose: days

Now data that you can see will be the last 10 days data.

I hope this will help you.

answered Jun 4, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,850 points
Thanks for reply this date slicer.

i don't want to that type of filter. we need dax calculation for Last 10 days data. showing in the slicer.

Hi, @Vnk,

For that first you have to follow few steps mentioned below:

  • Go to your PowerBi dashboard-> click ok Get Data-> (scroll down)-> select SQL server.
  • Give a name to your SQL server and provide your Database name and click OK.
  • It will get loaded where it will be connected to the SQL server. Select the table name where you have all your data and click on Load.
  • The Table will get loaded. Click on the Data view (left of you PowerBi Dashboard), there you will see your table data(region, data, Country, State).
  • Now you have to click on New Column(which will be in your top right side on the dashboard). There you will get a column to write your DAX related stuff.
  •  By default, you will see the column name and just remain that according to your choice and write the DAX  as:
DateTime  = Day(table_name(Region, Date, Country, Name))

After writing the DAX calculation press enter, automatically there will be a column that will show the data according to the query.

Hey, @Vnk,

Regarding the same query, you can visit here, I have explained in steps hope that it will be helpful for you:

How to troubleshoot a refresh on data set. can you please explain the steps?

Hey, @Vnk

You can visit here on . I have mentioned steps according to your query.

I am preparing documents, so i need what are the steps one by one.

i think  that is helpfull for me.

Hi, @vnk,

Glad to hear that it helped you. Keep posting your queries with us, on the technologies you are working with. I hope we can help you at our best. 

Keep up the good work!!

Thanks, is there any ways to refresh data set in power bi service?

Hi, @Vnk

You can perform a one-time, manual refresh in Power BI Desktop by selecting Refresh on the Home ribbon. When you select Refresh here, the data in the file’s model is refreshed with updated data from the original data source. This kind of refresh, entirely from within the Power BI Desktop application itself, is different from manual or scheduled refresh in Power BI, and it’s important to understand the distinction.

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