For Gradle Spring Boot how do I choose dependency with implementation

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I have library X with pure interfaces, libraries X1, X2, X3, ..., XN which implement interfaces from X and SpringBoot project Y built with Gradle 4 and using X

The implementation of X depends on the client we prepare build for.

Options I have in mind:

  • Include all implementation as dependencies and have configuration variable which will be discovered runtime and define used implementation.
  • Conditional Gradle build gradle build -Pclient=client1 which will include only one specific implementation

So which among those is best to follow? Can anyone help me with this?


Jun 17, 2018 in DevOps Tools by Atul
• 10,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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Below is the answer to your question:

Both mechanisms of handling the presented problem are more or less equivalent. I find including only single dependency (namely XN) not only easier to implement using this technology stack but also more reliable:

  • reliable because there's only one particular dependency found on runtime - it's impossible that spring will mess something up with DI
  • easier because if only one implementation is included there's no need for manually handling DI.
  • if only single implementation will be used at runtime - what's the reason for including the else?

Two important things here:

  • provide a detailed log message not only which implementation is included (during build time) but also which one is used (during runtime)
  • it can be done in gradle in two different ways on war level or in dependencies block. Personally I'd go for dependencies block - it make war easier to build.

Hope above explanation will help you.

answered Jun 17, 2018 by shubham
• 7,340 points

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