How to read a file from one ec2 instance make some changes and save in another ec2 instance using lambda function python

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I want to read a file from ec2 instance A from path (/home/sample/test.txt) and make some changes and send to another instance B to path(/home/testing/test.txt) using lambda function .

can anyone say how to do that?.if possible some sample code for that in python
Mar 24, 2020 in AWS by vijaykumar
• 150 points

2 answers to this question.

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I don't know you can do directly or not. But you can transfer file in different way. 

  • First you have to transfer your modified file from EC2 instance to S3 bucket. To do that you can follow the below given link.
  • From S3 bucket you can transfer your file in different instance.

Thank You

answered Mar 27, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
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Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
answered May 2, 2020 by ohisktvmlv
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Hola amigo, con respecto a su consulta. De manera predeterminada, las instancias de AWS ec2 no tienen autenticación de contraseña. Debe usar la clave privada para conectarse a las instancias. Sin embargo, es posible que tenga situaciones para usar la autenticación basada en contraseña para sus instancias de AWS ec2.

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