How to perform Email Validation in Javascript

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How can i perform email validation on my web page? can somebody give me the code for email validation?
Feb 6, 2020 in Angular by kartik
• 37,510 points

1 answer to this question.

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Validation is a method to authenticate the user. JavaScript provides the facility to validate the form on the client-side so data processing will be faster than server-side validation.

Email Validation in JavaScript – Step by Step
Validating email is a very important point while validating an HTML form.  An email is a string or a subset of ASCII characters that are separated into two parts by “@” symbol.

The first part can consist of the following ASCII Characters:

  • Uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z) letters
  • Digits (0-9)
  • Characters such as ! # $ % & ‘ * + – / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~
  • Character . ( period, dot or fullstop) but it should not be the first or last character and should not come one after the other
function ValidateEmail(inputText)


var mailformat = /^w+([.-]?w+)*@w+([.-]?w+)*(.w{2,3})+$/;



alert("You have entered a valid email address!");    //The pop up alert for a valid email address


return true;




alert("You have entered an invalid email address!");    //The pop up alert for an invalid email address


return false;




<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>JavaScript email validation</title>

<link rel='stylesheet' href='form-style.css' type='text/css' />   //link to the source file of css to add styles


<body onload='document.form1.text1.focus()'>

<div class="mail">

<h2>Enter email to Validate</h2>

<form name="form1" action="#">


<li><input type='text' name='text1'/></li>

<li> </li>

<li class="Validate"><input type="submit" name="Validate" value="Validate" onclick="ValidateEmail(document.form1.text1)"/></li>  //Adding the submit button

<li> </li>




<script src="email-validation.js"></script>    //link to the source file of javascript function




li {list-style-type: none;

font-size: 16pt;


.mail {

margin: auto;

padding-top: 10px;

padding-bottom: 10px;

width: 800px;

background : rgb(153, 198, 211);

border: 1px soild rgb(1, 20, 24);


.mail h2 {

margin-left: 38px;


input {

font-size: 20pt;


input:focus, textarea:focus{

background-color: lightyellow;


input submit {

font-size: 10pt;

answered Feb 6, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,880 points

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