What does cors means in Angularjs and what the use of it

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Is cors is technique or any service? Does it have any useful stuff that can be useful to my webpage?
Jan 29, 2020 in Web Development by Niroj
• 82,840 points

1 answer to this question.

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CORS is Cross Origin Resource Sharing which means you can access a backend API through angularjs ($http) if CORS is enabled in backend. 

You can instead use a server proxy like NodeJs to let frontend angular access the API.

AngularJS is designed to be a client-side application, meaning it renders in the client browser and does not run on the server. Therefore, you can't make a CORS request to an AngularJS frontend. CORS in AngularJS creates requests from the application for resources on other domains, typically with GET.

If your AngularJS application is connected to a JavaScript server, then you may be able to use CORS in the server application before sending the data to AngularJS. How you implement CORS depends on the server framework.

However,if you want to enable cors in visual studio follow these steps:

1.Select App-start from solution Explorer.

2.Then,hit webApiconfig.cs

3.Ensure you have cors related package to enable these:

                                                                                           3.1 Right click on project name.

                                                                                           3.2.Go to manage NuGet package

                                                                                           3.3 Then go to cors console

                                                                                           3.4 Then type command: Install-Package Microsoft.Aspnet.WebApi.cors

4.Now at webApiconfig.cs editor do the following code:

                                                                                           var cors=new enablecorsAttribute( "*","*","*");


Hope it helps!!

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Thank you!!

answered Jan 29, 2020 by kartik
• 37,520 points

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